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Workshop schedule, descriptions and milonga appearances below

Click here for venue locations

Sport & Health


Saturday Classes @ Tenleytown NW Sport and Health
2:00 - 2:30 pm  Practica Warm-Up
2:30 - 4:00 pm  Connected Embrace
4:00 - 4:15  pm  Break
4:15  - 5:30 pm  Smooth Floorcraft


Sunday Classes @ Tenleytown NW Sport and Health
2:00 - 2:30 pm  Practica Warm-Up
2:30 - 4:00 pm  Dynamic Embrace
4:00 - 4:15  pm  Break
4:15  - 5:30 pm  Rhythmic Movement

Zandunga Milonga

Jaime Montemayor
Saturday Milonga Zandunga
10:00 pm - 3:00 am+  Milonga

      Coffee & Medialunas @ 11:30pm 

      Performance  @ midnight

      Milonga $15 ($10 for FULL-time students)

Monday Milonga Zandunga
8:00 - 9:15 pm  Pre-Milonga Class: Tango Viejo
9:15 - 12:00am+ Milonga
Trip Advisor

ESL Milonga

Tuesday Farewell Milonga 18th Street Lounge (ESL)
Come socialize with G&M before they leave DC!
9:00 - 12:00am+ Milonga
Workshop Descriptions
Connected Embrace

What are the different ways we embrace? How do we give and receive a high-quality "yummy" embrace regardless of whom we are dancing with? In this lesson, we will explore the range of embrace types and discover ways to maintain the connection through the embrace.


Smooth Floorcraft

We can all agree that navigating the dance floor well is a must-have at every milonga, but have you attended a class focused on teaching such skills? Here we will apply tools we already know (cross/parallel system, linear/circular movement) with the mindset of improving circulation of the dance floor and dancing in tight spaces. We can all benefit from this class!


Dynamic Embrace

This lesson builds on the fundamental concepts from the Embrace & Connection class. Once we know how to create a yummy embrace, now we can learn how to sustain it throughout the dance. We will work on how to smoothly change the embrace to match with our movements, especially when using complex structures.


Rhythmic Movement

Milonga is not the only time to use rhythmical patterns. Come explore new musical possibilities using strong and soft beats, phrases and síncopa to take your tango to the next level. 



Tango Viejo (pre-milonga class @ Zandunga)

Sometimes taking a look back can help renew our appreciation for our Tango or even inspire a new movement. In this class, we will learn walking structures in parallel system with “cadencia”, like the old Milongueros used to do. 


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